After having my daughter 16 months ago i had a coil fitted and the following 11 months i hadf hell with it. I bled heavily with it and was extreme pain, i went to see my GP several times about it and was told that i would need to give it time to settle, but regardless of me doing it seemed to getworse and worse. I bled around 20 days or more throughout the month, eventually my doctor sent me for a scan and put me on medication to ease the loss and reduce the pain. The scan showed nothing and the pills did have some effect but i would still bleed in between periods and after sex. My last 3 periods have been late and theyve not been what they usually are, more like spotting, i done a pregnacy test and that was negetive so i dont know why this is happening? Anyway i went for a smear last week and bled alot after that too, and ive been spotting since . Me and my partner had sex last night and i started to bleed again so that put a stop to that. I know i have to just wait for my smear results but i cant help but worry now, everything i seem to read up on about this suggests cancer! Has anyone else had a similar problem, is this connected to the coil?
It takes ages to settle in. If you can persevere it's worth it. No, nothing to do with cancer more to do with the coil. I relied on pain killers monthly. All symptoms above I had and only had it removed after the change.
Dieu, I`ve never been in your position, Gossipgirl, but surely is it worth it! With all that bleeding isn`t your body telling you to try another system! Cheers, Tina