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When was the last time

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omelette | 13:29 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | Body & Soul
81 Answers
you were ill on drink. Seriously ill, as in toilet bowl hugging, crashed out on the floor, paralytic ill lol.


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About 14 years ago was the last time I spoke to the ceramic telelphone in the bathroom after too many buds :-(
joby...."boobs" you diffuse my argument by going straight to my Achilles Heel.
Sqad....I was raised in a very rough Irish pub. It didn't put me off and sometimes that resembled A&E.

Although I didn't start drinking until I was 20 and then it was rare.
joby - guess you are asking me that question - and no I tend to get s**tfaced more than ratarsed! Hope that helps :-)
''joby...."boobs" you diffuse my argument by going straight to my Achilles Heel''

Sqad... I think you mean vibra... are you p!ssed?!
vibra I think you have to be half way there to consider going in!
snags...LOL touche.
pole-axed, ratarsed, hammered, mullered....etc. how many more words are there?!
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I say banjaxed
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LOL vibra - it's a date!
Last time for me was about 5 years ago. I had spent 2 weeks or so doing a thorough detox, and when I went out and had just a couple of drinks, I reacted so badly and spent the night on the bathroom floor. Never again !!!
''Never again !!!''

Until the next time ;-)
How many times have we all said that!?
Hi Snags, you had a mention on Kiss FM this morning

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