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Most important meal of the day??

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Leapers | 13:55 Sat 19th Sep 2009 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
If breakfast is the most important meal of the day does that meal then become lunch which is the most important if you do not get out of bed until 12 or after??

Was just wondering whether any meal would do as breakfast or is it just the first meal of the day is important??



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it's important to get some food and water in you, after the fast that is sleep!

all meals are important, you just have to balance your diet over the day.
breakfast is your first meal after waking. It means to break the fast imposed by sleeping.
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First meal of the day is very important, whether get up at 6.00 am or 6.00pm. I've known plenty of drivers call in at transport cafes at all hours of the day and night for their cooked breakfast.

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Most important meal of the day??

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