I gave birth twice on my own and personally I preferred it, birth is a natural process. the last thing I need is someone dithering around wondering what to do.
I agree with andy - each to their own, and to each a different experience.
I think the idea of having the father in at the birth is great in theory... but in practice, not always the case.
I am far too old now for childbirth (well, almost), but if I ever did it again I would opt for a very good friend or sister.
When I was in the delivery room - Mr. Den kept wiping my face with a flannel (thats what the midwife in parenting class told us) - it was really pi$$ing me off - I snatched it out of his hand threw it across the room shouting 'get that f..cking flannel out of my face, and it hit the doctor who was just walking in the room.
After being in labour from Saturday afternoon until he was born Monday afternoon, I couldn't have cared less who was with me - but the nursing staff were a tad surprised when asked 'do you want to hold your baby' my reply 'bring him back when he is ready for school'.
Andy....ou have got it all wrong.....it's nothing to do with the mother's preference, it is all about what is best for the doctors and midwives.................and the consensus of opinion is....we don't want you.....you are in the bloody way.
tambo....SICK? I would have to be dying before I let my wife in that area and she would have to be dying before I would soil my precious hands.............except perhaps.......................well you know;-)
vibra....wooooooow"...you cut the cord?...........handed the baby to it's mother.................sorry if I have to end this post, as I am "filling up"