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fao ED.."unsuitable contents"

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Sqad | 11:43 Tue 08th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
150 Answers
I am of the opinion that at least 99% of ABers are familiar with the sight of genitalia both male and female either from personal experience or photographs.

I find it quite perplexing that when, under Body and Soul and particularly Health and Fitness, in answering questions on disorders of the genitalia, relevant pictures are deemed by some ABers as "unsuitable contents" and are reported and subsequently deleted.

You faithful servant in this matter.



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personally I couldn't care less sqad, I think people take a moral high ground for piddling reasons sometimes, look at the lambasting I got for that joke some time ago,
me hands still stinging with the slaps it took
Bobbi x
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Joy..LOL...indeed I do remember......LOL
I don't personally find them shocking or offensive - unless posted absolutely unnecessarily. I have worked in a medical field for over 25 years, so talking about and looking at various genitalia and/or diseases is commonplace. Have you ever lunched with a group of District Nurses?!!!!! - not for the squeamish.

In the body and health section, I would have thought most of the time any pictures posted would be appropriate, but I think the odd naughty unnecessary one has slipped through - to the consternation of a few delicate souls.
wow salla, very ariculate there me dear !
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salla../////.odd naughty unnecessary one///

LOL...I love it when you are on form.
Yes - you bu55er - and you know to whom and which one I refer.....

Boyo - did you come in for some stick over that one?!!! (It would have been better if you'd given a 'warning' so delicate souls could have avoided it ).
I am not a delicate soul thanks salla. Sqad fully deserved the stick he got for posting that picture.
Stop trying to make out you are so hard done by Sqad.
''99% of ABers are familiar with the sight of genitalia both male and female''

Agreed. But I don't want to see 'giblet' pics when I'm eating my breakfast tvm ;-p
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daffy....a vagina, with a Bartholin's Cyst?

That was the whole point of my question young daffy.
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The post concerned clearly stated she had a spot/lump on her leg,she stated it was definitely NOT on her genitals,how could it possibly have justified posting a picture of genitals?

Just a warning here...........I haven't slept more than 4 hours in the last 3 days and i'm VERY grouchy,do not p1ss me off,i'm not in the
elaborate please vibra?
I assume that was for me as it was me who wrote "piddling reasons"
Bobbi x
SQAD, Should be bl00dy well hung,

But then again, maybe he is....................
''do not p1ss me off,i'm not in the mood''

That's like showing a red rag to a bull lol...
Question Author her post she described the spot as being on her "girly bits"

Sorry you can't sleep..............I can.
I hope your'e ok daffy pet !
Bobbi x
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you are never gona forgive me for those jokes are you vibes????
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Logic....unfortunately not well enough.
I won't be ok again until I slaughter my noisy neighbours Bobbi :-)
I am so tired I was hallucinating last night.

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