hi i was wondering if anyone could shed any light on the cause of bad breath. My partners breath has lately been what i would describe as 'rank' , its really unbearable but ive not told him that of course because i would hate to hurt his feelings. His dental hygene is really good as far as i known and he doesnt eat any strong smelling foods such as garlic, chilli etc so i cant understand what will bring it on all of a sudden. Thanks
no but he does have a very linmited diet i would say. hes quite a fussy eater and usually only eats potatoes, baked beans and meats really lol. Ive suggested to him before that maybe he should have a diabetes test done because he does drink a awful lot (juice, not alcohol) and is always tired, but like a lot of men he wont see a doctor unless hes on ''deaths door''.
i know you don't want to upset him, but I'm sure he'd rather be told by a loved one than avoided and talked about in blissful ignorance!
You need to tell him about his breath, and get him to see a dentist and doctor. prolonged halitosis is a sign of an nunderlying problem somewhere, and it needs to be treated, for yout sake, and his, and everyone else who comes within ten feet of him!