why can't ladies join in? i appreciate the finer arts of classic cars, motorbikes, like going to steam shows etc and have driven a tank (my uncle's), steam roller and all sorts of vehicles during car shows etc. the smell really turns me on....
Ladies cannot join, because it's a manly thread for men.
I appreciate that there are women who enjoy mens pursuits and vice-versa, but a line has to be drawn somewhere, and I think the best place to draw that line is based on gender. So, as nice as salla sounds (how do you stand and pee without making a mess, and how did you find that out!!) with her toilet habits, and stonekicker with her diesel obsession, you guys are gonna have to leave
I dunno why you're so interested about coming in here. Theres nothing happening. I wanted some advice on sheds, and whether to go for a corded or cordless hammer drill for my next treat. I also wanted to know who the other guys thought was fitter Dawn French or Lisa Riley
Yes vibes. Even worse though are breifing boners.
You know when your sat in a long boring meeting, and your mind wanders back to happy memories then abrubptly the meeting finishes and your stuck trying to hide rigor mortis behind the folder or briefcase you brought in