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Editor's Blog1 min ago
my baby brother of 7 years, asked me how old god is. He then answered me saying 'No, no-one can answer that' Then he asked if god had had any children. i replied jesus. he then asked ' but how did god have jesus' i told him that god created him, an angel in his image. my brother was then confused, 'but if god made jesus like him does that mean god is an angel too?...So why did he make adam and eve? If we were made like god in his image, that means that we wernt made by anybody when we were born then?'' obviously my brother has had the birds and the bees talk,this is why he was confused on this part. Although this may sound confused, the boy has a point, we were supposedly made in gods image, so why are we the way we are. im not sure if im making myself clear, but please give ur views on the childs point of view and the many questions his comments have risen. none of which i have mentioned here. |
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.On Saturday I watched "Millionaire" on tv with my six year old son. I knew the answer was "D" but he insisted on choosing "C". I asked him "why don't don't you believe your dad when he tells you the answer".Tonight (Monday) he came to me and said, " You know why I didn't believe you about that question?" "Because it's better to belive in yourself". Insightfull young man, if I say so myself.
If your brother goes to sunday school, then suggest he asks his sunday school teacher these questions, or suggest he asks his teacher at school.
If that doesn't work then take him to the library and let him look up the things he is asking about.
I did the library thing with my nephew. After lugging back 3 volumes of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica and poring over pages of tiny print he decided that Arsenal was more interesting than God anyway!
It would depend on where you want to put your base referance. According to the Bible, God is infinite in time, had no beginning and will have no end. Jesus is called the son of God and this describes the relation ship between them, but he is in himself fully God, part of the trinity. If your son can handle it it is best to explain that God exsits outside of time, and is therefore no subject to it. also in the same way get, obtain and precure mean the same thing, they are differnt words. So God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Sprit are one God but three persons.
God is not physical, therefore he does not have an age. He created humans in his own image. Adam and Eve are a pseudonym for humankind in general.
Jesus: You are referring to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. The "mystery" of the Trinity is primarily about relationships the perfect relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Trinity = Tri-unity 1x1x1 = 1. The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are Three distinct persons in one God. This means that God is "three-in-one" and it is said to show us that there is a "community of love" within the Godhead. God is a "family", so to speak; a Father and a Son bound together by an eternal love which is a third person, the Holy Spirit.
There is another question about Jesus Christ in History & Myths about the father of Jesus.
see this link for an explanation on the age of God.
Jesus never called himself the son of God. He called himself the son of Man.
Alternatively, it could be argued that Jesus was the first person to fully realise he was the son of God and properly believe it. if we all believed we were sons of God then maybe we would start acting like Jesus (or maybe we would just become very arrogant!) But one of the main messages of Jesus was to have faith - to believe we can move mountains. So maybe your brother was right - God did make Adam and Eve in his image, but we haven't realised it yet!