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R B chick

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ooh-la-la | 00:22 Thu 03rd Jun 2010 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Does anyone know what one is? my friend keeps winding me up about it as i don't now what one is. If anyone could help me out i'd be very greatful xxx


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Rich Blond ??
I think sort of like Debbie Harry at her best, Jo wood in her younger days, sort of rock chik but a bit more edgy
It seems to be a film about a young girl wanting to be an R&B singer?
Rhythm & blues chick therefore?
Wen me talkin wi mi gangsta mates and dey say RB chick dey mean a chick that's Rich an den a word dat rymes wi rich
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ow :-( i don't wanna seem rude but i don't think that's what he ment. I think it's some kind of group, i could be wrong though. Thankyou for giving me the link to that website factor 30, i'm gonna be talking gangster in no time! he he!

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R B chick

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