Do you know anyone in one? Whose Idea was it originally and are they really happy or has one of the partners dominated this decision and the other went along with it?
I know one couple who have been in one and are married for longer than I have been alive - they are happy and they trust each other. When they met it was a joint decision and it obviously works for them.
Couldn't even contemplate it. Feel much the same as Wiggal. I just would never feel the same again about sex with my OH. In fact, I wouldn't want him anywhere near me!
Greedfly. Not a criticism but you say they 'trust each other' - in what respect do they trust each other? In all other respects except sex perhaps. Just interested.
I've known 3 couples who decided to go down the 'let's have an open relationship' road.
In two cases, it was driven by one whose eye had alighted 'elsewhere' and the other went along with it in the hope of salvaging/maintaining the relationship.
The third couple never really seemed to be that much of a partnership, in any case. None of them are still together.
Was in one some years ago. Both divorced, & single, didn't live together & didn't love each other. We just slept together a couple of times a week, or when the mood took us. She had some odd-ball sexual needs.....
What point is there of being in an open relationship. If you want 'open' why have a relationship as well. I would rather be single. Surely in an open relationship the partners take on more brother and sister (or similar) like roles and the sex wouldn't mean very much. There would be no need to spice up your sex life if you were getting the spicy bit elsewhere.