I have some little hard white spots under the skin between the nose and mouth, when I stretch my top lip I can feel them and see them in the magnifying mirror ! Is there any way I can get them out ? The skin isn't open, like when its a pimple, can I put a needle in and squeeze? Or are they not soft inside ? Yuk ..
From your description they sound like Milia which are tiny cysts filled with a protein called keratin. Not easy to get rid of, perhaps if you Google 'Milia cures' you will find something that helps.
Milia can be removed at most beauticians. They just pick them out with a sterile needle. I had afew picked out near my eye... didnt hurt as much as i thought it would! I paid £17 for a 10 min session. Hope that helps!
I had a couple. I stumbled across a youtube video where the lady said that all she did with hers was prick them with a sterile needle and give them a gentle squeeze. I tried it using a very fine needle that I sterilised in boiling water and antiseptic and it worked for me. But if you're squeamish about doing it yourself, go the beautician as suggested by NicM123.
I used to get them and did exactly what bizzy lizzy does! I wouldn't do that on the skin around the eyes though. But I would certainly try where yours are.
Yes, little fat spots,A woman I worked with had loads on her face, she used to have chemical skin peels, but she was left with scars like tiny holes, Her skin looked like orange peel.