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Double whammy.

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Dris | 14:51 Wed 11th Aug 2010 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
Further to my sleepy head thread I was at the Practice Nurse today to give blood samples.

I advised her about my 'borderline' thyroid results and she told me that for the past 2yrs my results havent been remotely borderline and I should have been on medication.I'm a bit tee'd off with my GP as he was trying to postpone lifelong medication but at what cost has it been?

I then got the full MOT -my BP was 190/117.Yet another duller :(

I have to have a cuff on Monday for 24hrs -it wasnt felt it was going to give a true reading as I was anxious.

Any connection do you think?

Anyone else had a cuff and is it like getting your BP taken every 5 mins?

I didnt ask as I was flummoxed.


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I know its not much help to you Dris but you are not alone....Sqad may remember from past partner had three years of 'borderline' anaemia tests.....then when he finally collapsed.....and got peripheral neuropathy he was told he had pernicious anaemia....which he will have forever!
I say to all you doctors out what point do you question 'borderline' results when they happen more than once....I mean exactly how many times does a person have to be 'borderline' before you do something about it???????
The sad thing is that you could save yourselves so much money in the NHS, in the long run by being proactive.....
I've been on life;ong thyroxin since 1987 and i don't take any notice of it anymore, get up make a brew take 2 thyroxin, never give it a thought (except when i forget to order the repeat intime, which is often lol) it's annoying that they won;t give you a few months at a time, they know you have to have them so it's a pain to have to mess about ringing up and then picking them up,)
dotty....people who are on long term medication in Spain have their drugs on a credit card type of thing and you can go to any chemist in any part of Spain and he/she will swipe the card which will then show your drugs on the PC, which will then be dispensed avoiding repeat visits to the Dr.It is a good idea and it is replenished once a year.
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ttfn -thing is I went to my appointment early and she was running late so ended up sitting for well over half an hour so did feel myself getting anxious and there wasnt a friendly face to chat to.btw -that must have been horrendous getting admitted just waiting on something to happen !! ♥
PurpleParis -see thats what happens when they think they are taking a gamble but its not their lives theyre gambling with.I shall be having a chat with my GP -he is such a dish as well -he leaves me tonque tied which doesnt help either :) Hope hubby is well -thats a nasty one a work colleague got a call to say her husband had been rushed into hospital with it and he was very ill-he's OK with meds now as well.
Dot -im surprised how many are on it and the meds dont faze me-its just the length of time it appears to strike a balance but I know it will be worth it in the end as it cant be worse than feeling like this.

Getting cuffed on Monday (not in a good way;)) so will keep you posted - bet im up all night !!
All the best Dris, nice to see you back on here
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Aw thanks red -my BP was going through the roof cos I hadnt tweaked my team yet :) x

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