Are people as happy and contented as they let on? i confess i am not and i am hopeless at hiding it if i have a problem or problems it is etched on my face.
It seems everyone else i know sail along perfectly well or are they hiding something?
i dont begrudge anyone having a happy time i just wonder am i hopeless at coping or are people masking how they truly feel
I think we are brought up to conceal our feelings - stiff upper lip / boys don't cry, all that nonsense - but some people do wear their feelings on their faces, which may not be a bad thing.
I would agree that a degree of asmking goes on - but that's the way we are raised.
Im happy most of the time. I do have my problems which are sometimes ongoing but you just learn to cope and carry on. Sometimes you have to put on a brave face too as no one wants to be around someone who is miserable. I know from some of my work colleagues who bring all their troubles to work, snap at people and then try to justify it by saying they have problems ! I think most people mask what they really feel at times and you must try too. Think `There is always someone worse of than me' and it may help
I believe we are all on this earth for some reason - we just have to get on with things. Cannot imagine anyone's life is stress free but people do deal with it differently according to their abilities. One thing is for sure - things can always get worse. So I tend to be grateful and philosophical rather than strive for happiness, and happily things sometimes do get better.
If I have problems, the last thing i want is to be "sympathised" over so I tend to keep them to myself. I don't think of it as masking but as compartmentalising. The other important bit with compartmentalising is that when the sh1t goes on and on and on, it can help to recognise that its only things that are wrong, not everything and that a bar of chocolate, sunny day, funny TV program can still make a bit of brightness.
Yep! I actually am told I am a smiley extrovert person. Underneath that smile there is an awful lot of anxiety going on. I always see the worst case scenario in any situation. The upside of that is usually things aren't as bad!!
I nearly always look for the silver lining - there usually is one. Perhaps I have a more practical nature than others, but it has helped me out considerably over the years.
it depends on the situation as well, I know people who are depressed yet they seem to have a good thing going (good job, nice kids, nice house, good social life, good relationship) yet they cannot see the good in what they have.
When i get pi$$ed off, I think of an an apprentice who worked with me a couple of years ago. He was a late starter due to him having leukemia when he was 17.
I bumped into a mate of his some weeks ago, & he told me his leukemia had re-appeared, & he was in the local hospital undergoing a bone marrow transplant...He'll be lucky to make 30. :-(
You can have everything in the world you desire and still be depressed. True depression is an illness and you can't cure it by thinking of people who are worse off than yourself.