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what do you really want for Christmas this year...?

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rowanwitch | 15:03 Wed 18th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
It's not that far off...and it might help to have some ideas ready for when people ask what you'd like


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To be sitting on a Vietnam beach in the sun but it's unlikely to happen this xmas due to finances...
I'd really like what remains of my family to go away on a long holiday and leave me in peace. I'm not likely to get that, though. So a jumper from M&S and some socks will do.
I'd like a man, please.

thank you x
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Butch...I am genuinely is often the little things people value that tell you a lot about them I expect a holiday away from the whole crimbo thing would appeal to a lot of people...for many it's been a stressful year
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Sara I hope you get might need to change your tattoo though
Vietnam?? is it supposed to be a good holiday resort.

I'm booked to go to Tenerife on New Years Eve, so I'm not worried about Christmas this year I'll be packing.
thank you, Rowan. if NoK is ever replaced in my heart, I'd have to consider laser treatment ;o)
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Rowan, need you ask what I would like for Christmas ?
What I wish for above all else may be out of reach for me but I can dream
I'd like to visit my grand daughters in Texas but I cannot fly so it will not happen. Trans-Atlanatic sea voyage not an option. So will have to make do with Skype.
Or you could add an I +A to the letters you already have and promote their phones?
sandy... good (potential) plan!

Butch, I do like you but think that kind of tattoo would not really be me ;o)
askyourgran... Vietnam has some great beaches, although we'd be going for a bit of the 'Kultcha' too...
me too ayg...Lanzarote for moi♥
I wouldn't have thought of Vietnam snags, and I agree with you about the finances, holidays are not cheap now.
I would also like to sit on a vietnam beach and take in the kultcha...
China... we can split open a couple of sand bags, sit under a 500w bulb and watch Apocalypse Now instead...
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Saw vietnam on the Topgear special it looks stunningly beautifull would need to take my painting gear..

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what do you really want for Christmas this year...?

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