Not sure how to explain this so will tell it how it is.
Been single now for almost a year, recently seen a woman I like, knew nothing about her, did nothing to approach her.
The other night I was with some mates and I noticed her, she came over drunk and we chatted for a bit. She has a boyfriend and it seems a bit rocky so she says. We seemed to get on OK but then she had to go.
I don't wanna push things and get her fella after me but I'm not sure how I can go about getting to know her easily or should I give up on the chance we may bump into each other again.
What was like 2 minutes talking to her seemed like an hour in my mind, I had been drinking too.
If I bump into her when I am sober and she remembers me what do I do then?
i don't want to seem like I don't care about women and I can't ask how things are with her and her fella as it would be none of my business, do I just say hi and play it cool and be friendly or stay guarded and steer clear?
I can be friendly, I'm a good guy, I guess if I play it cool and be friendly.
I'm not into home wrecking that's for certain, I'm cool with her having a fella.
But at the same time I kind of want her for myself, I can live with that, been knocked back enough times in the past to be fine with rejection.
Listen to what others have said 'she has a boyfriend' therefore why would you fear rejection from her, she is spoken for so you will be rejected....what on earth are you thinking ??? You are opening yourself up to get kicked in the goolies...get a grip and find a single girl.
I've been rebound guy a couple of times, yeah that is kinda crap.
I did see her today outside where she works, I was driving by, not stalking, just in the same area at the time.
Naturally I did nothing, wasn't sure what to do anyway.
You guys have been helpful in getting things clear in my head at least.
Not much you can do apart from what has already been said.
You are right by sticking to your morals, although not sure if you should really ask her for her phone number, as suggested above, could cause complications.
are you really sure she has a boyfriend! she could of just said that to see what your reaction would be, you might be waiting a long time to bump in to her again,get her number and phone her.
I can understand where Joeluke is coming from but would certainly not do anything to split her and her fella up.
I do wonder though about the bit "If you do nothing then you may never know what might have happened".
I wonder about that all the time and maybe some day it may become clear in my head.
She's nice looking and all that and seems fun but not sure what will happen.
How long is the rebound stage to last if she does become single, never have a clue about that with women.
Some women have told me they ended it in their head a long time ago before they have told their fellas, don't understand how that works.
its the "you know its over but limp on anyway till you get to a point when you just can;t do it anymore" regardless of that i think you should always have some time out after a relationship ends, how long upto the individual we're all different.