My granddaughter is 8 and has had her MMR jabs as a baby. Yesterday she started symptoms of mumps. Swollen one side of face,hurt to eat and drink anything, says ear hurts. Hurts under ear when touched. Could it be mumps.!?
You should ring the school and tell them as there may be schoolmates who have not had the MMR vaccine. The school may be able to tell you if there have been confirmed cases there recently,
Many thanks I was sure I was right. Just had a phone call to say my daughter tok her to doctor, who I never trust or go to as I find him useless.! He said no it cannot be mumps, but it looks like it. And has given her antibioitics incase (his words) it is a virus....doh!! I thought everyone knew antibiotics will do no good for viruses.!
My Doctor took one look at my son and asked had he had his jabs. Can't remember what meds he dished out but was told he can't leave the house for 14 days.
just because the antibiotics have been described your daughter doesnt have to give them to her daughter though.
awful start to half term, but as ummm has pointed out you may want to check how long the poor lass has to stay at home for
probably didnt come across way i mean it to, sqad. I meant that the parent can make decision not to give them if they feel they were given incorrectly, as lilacben seems to think. I certainly wasnt saying that they should ignore the doctors comments.