Not sure where to post this question! Im starting a 3yr adult nursing course and i am after some extremely comfy shoes for my placements. I hate buying shoes as they never seem to fit properly. My left foot is half a size smaller than my right. I also think my feet are quite wide as i often get blisters on my pinky's. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! thanks julie
there are places that wil make you a pair of suede boots/shoes if you draw round your foot onto a piece of paper and they use that as the shape of the sole...
I suggest you get a good wooden shoe stretcher to add the final shaping to a shoe that fits, and some orthotic insoles - get them from a 'proper' injury support website or shop, rather than from Boots etc. In addition the compeed-type blister plasters on the little toes are very helpful for preventing blisters forming.