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Should he have anti flu jabs?

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milly143 | 20:43 Thu 30th Dec 2010 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
Question below just made me think of this. My miserable Father was telling me the other day how he received a letter from the Doctor asking him if he wanted the anti flu vaccines. He was grumbling that they had asked to let them know why if he decided not to. In protest at their 'ridiculous request' he has decided not to have the jab and not tell them why. Anyway, he is 61 and had a mini-stroke around 4 months ago. Does this put him at higher risk of getting any sort of flu and should he 'really' be going for the injections?


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I have had anti flu injections ever since they were made available to me, and up to now I have not had flu during that time. In my opinion anyone who gets the offer should take it, for their own good and for others around them. After all, who is going to look after him if he does get it? You, I expect. And with the virulent type that is going around at the moment, he should be glad of the chance to escape it. Can you insist and make the stubborn old b****r get it done, after all it is only a quick jab and over.
I am 47 and diabetic and was offered, and took up the offer, the flu jag a couple of months ago.

The way that I see it is that having the flu (real flu and not man-flu) is horrendous and getting the jag, though painful, was a doddle in comparison.

Your dad is not old but they would not offer him the jag if they did not think that he was in a high risk group.

If you think that the silly old git is miserable now think how much worse he would be if he had the flu. ;-)
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He is such a stubborn old fool. When he was quite poorly about a year ago it took me to cry and tell him I thought he was going to die before he agreed to see a doctor.

It would indeed be me who would have to deal with him if he got ill and if it was up to me he would be in the surgery first thing. It's just so hard trying to convince him sometimes.
Shall I send round a couple of heavies to carry him to the docs? Wish that was in fact possible!! lol
milliy.........Dad has a mind of his own and if he decides not to have the flu jab, then who are you to insist.

In my opinion he is not at higher risk because of his "mini stroke"
i am offered the flu jab every year because I am diabetic and have no spleen. Every year I refuse it. I had it once in 1971 when recovering from a very serious car accident. The result was the worst cold I have ever had in my life which took 4 weeks to get rid of spleen?...interesting....was it removed following some sort of trauma?
As a result of the accident mentioned above.
The worst cold you ever had?

You poor love

There are currently 738 people in intensive care with flu and have been 39 deaths

Even the Government has done a U turn and decided to promote the vaccine in public health announcements.

All the anti-innoculation crowd need to cop onto themselves.

Polio and Smallpox did not become virtually irradicated because people "muddled through"
Jake the peg.

The question was " should Dad have the Flu jab?" ....and the answer is yes he should.

The other part of the question was "can we do anything if he refuses?" and the answer we cant.

P.S <<<<All the anti-innoculation crowd need to cop onto themselves.<<<<

Vaccinations Jake......not inoculations.......there is a difference.

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Should he have anti flu jabs?

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