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Where is the strangest place you've been chatted up?

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Bbbananas | 07:21 Fri 11th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Bizarrely, yesterday I got chatted up, in a hospital breast clinic. (Calm down girls, he was at least 75). I arrived to an empty waiting room apart from this one bloke, waiting for his wife. He asked me if I was a patient (errr....yeah...waiting room), looked me straight in the chest area and said "I wish I was the doctor".

Shades of Sqad emerged...... ;-)

It then went on to be clear that he knew me from the surgery - he's a patient where I work. He wanted to know where I lived because "valentine's day is coming up and his wife is allergic to flowers"). He said I looked far too young to have grown up children (creep). Then he said he'd look out especially for me now at the surgery to say hello (help....!)

I would have been a bit freaked out, but it was actually quite funny. Maybe he was just nervous for his wife.... but I shall be avoiding the reception area for quite a while - I can just imagine him coming in for his Viagra on a regular basis.


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Wrinkly love fest salla x
its nice to have attention in whatever shape or form ;0) x
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He was quite sweet in a seedy sqad sort of way... as in, he made me smile rather than want to retch and call him a dirty pervert.
Chatted up? Me? Not a bloody hope in hell of that.
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Try going to a gynaecology clinic welshie - you just never know !!
in answer to your question about the strangest place ive been chatted up ,
it was many moons ago on a train, not to weird a place, but a little bizzare , compared to pubs ect as the normal place for being chatted up.
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A Brief Encouter zzxxee?!
errrrrrrr not exactly !!! one dodgy date and a week or so of ignoring phone calls !!!
I'd look a bit like a spare prick at a wedding, Sal. I know people call me an old woman but that might be taking it a bit far!!!
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Maybe I should have said a prostate clinic? That would make more sense (it's still early for my brain....) x
Don't need the protate clinic, Sal, my test came back negative. Just going to look up on the job centre site to see if there any jobs going as a mammographer
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You're as bad as that bloke in the waiting room.....!
But not as old!!!!
i know my granddad met my Nan in a graveyard !!!!
He was a gravedigger at the time and she was on her way to church lol
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I hope she didn't fall into one (a la Miranda) ?!!
ha ha not that i know of ;) !!
the 1st breast comment would have made me slap him.
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I was a bit taken aback.... I mean, no-one goes to a breast clinic completely relaxed and casual.
Library..... chap very pointedly asked me to recommend a cookery book suitable for a single person.... and could he buy me a coffee while I gave him some tips
long time ago mind....he was quite put out when I said my girlfriend was outside waiting for me
in a normal situation it would shock me.
Can't claim ever to have been chatted up, so i iwill place a proxy answer -

a friend of mine who is in the running for possible the most physically attractive woman I have ever met told me that she was chatted up by a guy who ran into her car! He started trying to say it was fate that had brought them together, instead of his inattention, which had brought just their car wings together!

He was not successful ...

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Where is the strangest place you've been chatted up?

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