I finally met someone so special from an online dating site, we have ended up speaking about a future as we have so much in common ect (I know crazy)
Today, about 3pm a bunch of flowers was delivered to her work place (im a soppy git) but i havent heard a thing from her, not even a text to say thanks etc... should i be worried??
What sort of place does she work? would she actually have received them? if there was a soppy message, perhaps her workmates have ribbed her about it. Mine would.
Did you check the address of her work, maybe they were delivered to someone else ?? I would put yourself out of your misery and phone her or text her at least....
I for one love receiving flowers at work ! RING HER ! We cant tell you what her reaction is/was.....you need to find out for yourself, go for it, you need to know one way or the other....
honestly - a month.
should of spent the weekend with her - but wen i was lying next to her sunday morning her friend txted - shed split from her chap. So she was quite worried about her mate, asked if i would mind if she went to see her mate instead - of which i didnt mind at all... all i said was "we gonna have pleanty more weekends together..."