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hes ignoring me

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Officialusername | 19:45 Sun 13th May 2012 | Relationships & Dating
57 Answers
My OH and I have been having issues lately, and each time we fall out, he ignores me and I go crawling back. Sometimes, during silent treatment, I've waited out for his to get in touch with me, but he never does. He can go weeks without messaging me. We had a bad patch recently, but sorted it out. Last night he told me he was in some girls room in the hotel he was staying at because there was a hen night going on. I always stay in and never go out, I assumed since he told me, everything was fine, but no longer wished to sit in and mope around; so I went out and got drunk. I had a brilliant night, but now, after two texts? he is not talking to me. The last text was at 12 this afternoon and he is a BIG texter; usually texts back straight away. I thought perhaps his phone was dead or something, but he's updated social network sites via his phone. I am being ignored. Please someone help, I am going out of my mind. I am so upset.


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Why do you put up with it?
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he is controlling you, just leave him till he gets in touch. if he doesnt then realise it will always be like that and he needs to grow up.
he's not your OH if he doesn't get in touch for weeks at a time is he?
Time to realise that this is no longer your OH. If he can go weeks without contacting you he is not committed to this relationship. He seems to be having a life without you and you too if you feel like it. Maybe it is time to find someone new.
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why is he doing it though? He claims he loves me. Its so upsetting.
I have been writing this comment all weekend. Pull up your Big Girl knickers and dump this creep, you deserve better.
because he is a controlling creep. How much of your life are you going to waste?
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Iagree with 4getmenot; he's a control freak. Get rid and find out what a real relationship is all about. When you're not comfortable in a relationship there's no love, no respect and no mutual morals between the two of you and that's what relationships are all about.
IMHO there is more to relationships than texts and sulks!

have more excellent nights out/ in with friends (and let him ignore and maltreat someone else)!
Have you spoke to him about how it makes you feel?

My OH used to ignore when we first got together. It didn't take me long to get into his head that I don't tolerate that kind of behaviour.
and also whilst he is being controlling you are also relying on him to complete you. Go out with the girls do things for yourself and be happy within yourself
how long have you been together and how old are both of you?
short and sweet....dump him.

Put yourself above this, you are worth more....respect yourself. ♥
Dear Poster, He is doing this to you because he can. He likes you because you tolerate him being in the room of a girl on a hen night, and even taunts you with this info - to get a reaction! You make up with him when he has treated you badly. You are always there for him no matter how badly he treats you, ignores you etc. Time to harden up a bit or this sorry state will drag on for years. We have all been there and are no better than you. Just wiser once we faced up to the truth. Good luck.
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umm how did you get him to realise you do not tolerate this behaviour?
I would have thought because ummm told him she wouldnt
give him some of his own medicine.and stay strong!

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