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How Can I Tell My Mother?

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funkymonkey98 | 05:30 Wed 27th Dec 2023 | Family & Relationships
17 Answers

So recently my boyfriend bought ticket for both of us to go to a Green Day concert next year, we're both 18, although I will soon be 19. I still live with my parents because I just began college in my hometown, and my parents are super overprotective. My mom says I'm too young to go out on my own out of town with my boyfriend. I'm scared to tell her because I don't know if she'll let me go, and I don't want to disappoint my boyfriend because he is really excited about it and already bought the tickets. He bought them as a christmas present for us , I don't know what to do, can someone please give me advice on how to tell my parents?



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There really is only one way to tell them - be outright and truthful.  Pity boyfriend and you hadn't discussed this with them before he bought the tickets.

You'll be 19. You're an adult.  Just tell her you're going to the concert. If her overprotectiveness is stifling you, it's time to move out. 

Just tell her straight, you're going and that's it. I could understand her consternation were you going alone, or maybe even with a female friend, but you have your guy with you. 

It is often natural for a parent to be a tad over-protective about their offspring, but you really are of an age where your mother needs to get the scissors out and sever those apron strings.

Enjoy the concert.

What is she worried about?

Just tell them in an exited manner how thrilled you are with your present from your boyfriend. Tell them what it is and what the arrangements are for the day. Just keep talking so they don't get a word in edgeways! 

it's time to be an adult now and get on with things rather than ask them or discuss it with them before you go ahead.

They can't actually stop you from going and hopefully start to let go; they will get used to it in the end. 

Yes, it's probably time you left the nest. Fly, little starling, fly, fly, fly, as Anthony Hokins once said😊

You are an adult. You can vote, get married and buy a house.

19 next year. Time to tell them you are branching out!

This is a UK site - you are obviously from the USA. Age of consent etc may be different there.

I assume you are from US, does this concert involve an overnight stay out of town? I don't think it's as clear cut as other posters suggest ie you're an adult so go do what you want. I can see it from your parent's viewpoint too.

If you're almost 19 that means you're gona be 20 next year! Don't ask, just tell them what you're doing! 

I disagree Smow - if she lives under her mothers roof then she has to respect her mothers rules and wishes!

Amazes me how families differ. I had absolutely no explicit parental control whatsoever. I did what I wanted when I wanted - never asked or needed permission. Think I turned out OK(ish).

Red, ok - but she is actually an adult. What would her mother be so worried about ? 

bad things happen to adults too and if she is in the USA then 19 is not always an adult as you can't drink until 21.

Also - did you not worry about your children - I remember you posting about young smow all the time 

True Red, true x

It wasn't a criticism smow I think some mothers just worry.

My own mother would not have allowed me to go to an overnight concert at 19 or 20 - but that was because she was controlling.

At 19 I was nursing and living in a flat in London

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