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Can You Change Your Sexuality?

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RucaLeone | 04:01 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
23 Answers

I'm not happy with my sexuality. Actually ashamed of it. Is it possible to change it?



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no. we're all stuck with it i'm afraid and anyone who tries to tell you they can change it is trying to abuse you and exploit you. 
04:27 Fri 06th Sep 2024

no. we're all stuck with it i'm afraid and anyone who tries to tell you they can change it is trying to abuse you and exploit you. 

-- answer removed --

Why are you ashamed of your sexuality?

are you sure you want to know dave...

None of us choose our sexuality.

Normally no, but depending on what specifally you refer to you may find there are drugs that lowers your interest in any sexual thoughts. Perhaps you should give more details.

We are living in times where very few people should be ashamed of their sexuality.  As long as your partners are consenting adults, anything goes.

Your sexuality is who you are sexually attracted to: i.e. the same sex, tte opposite sex, both, neither or whatever. You cannot realistically change that unless you force yourself to do something which is against your nature (and is completely  unnecessary). Is that what you really mean?

We are all dealt different cards in life. Some of them cannot be exchanged.

Getting older can do that, too.^

It's not the happiest day of one's life when you decide you'd sooner have a nice cup of tea.

If, for example, you're gay, you could force yourself to be romantically involved with people of the opposite sex, but you wouldn't be happy. So be as you are. If you're very young you will come to terms with it in time.

That was at 8:32

But you said 'ashamed" not "unhappy' with your sexuality. Why?


No, you can't.

Why are you ashamed?

Can you change it? No, you can only sent it. Better to embrace your sexuality, and be happy in life.

That should say "deny it". Damn autocorrect.

it depends what this person's sexuality is lol. if it involves consenting living human adults then of course they should embrace it... if it doesn't then they might need to find a way to get comfortable with celibacy

Well, I was hoping they weren't into kids or animals, but yes Untitled, you are correct.

I agree with early rising Untitled

i think we are all hoping that! it is natural to assume this person is talking about same sex attraction as most people who worry about this do... but they might not be

It's not the happiest day of one's life when you decide you'd sooner have a nice cup of tea.

we are getting old sandz - my sister in law ( really) has just emailed ( I jest nart) me: "If your worst treatment side effect is that Piriton sedates you too long, you are indeed fortunate"

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