What would you have done? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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What would you have done?

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rengo | 18:22 Tue 11th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
Just wanted to get an opinion...I found a text message on my boyfriends phone that was highly suggestive and not from me, so I took the number and phoned it, a man answered which threw me into confusion. I asked my boyfriend about it and he eventually admitted he'd been online enquiring about threesomes (unknown to me!)..what I wanted to know was is this typical bloke behaviour or is he a giant freak??
Oh I should have mentioned he is now my ex! but I've just wondered about it since..
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What on earth are you doing looking through your boyfriend's text messages?
I would've said that it's probably normal behaviour of 50% of red blooded males....me included
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Ethel I am not normally the type to snoop but he'd been behaving very oddly with his mobile-carrying it everywhere with him and just behaving a bit "off" so I decided to have a look-glad I did now!!!
glad he is your ex?
I bet you are glad you are no longer together, and i bet he is as well!
u done the right thing mate blokes can be proper thick n spineless wiv it!!!!!!!!!!
Why a giant freak?

is he very tall then, or is he the GIANT in jack and the beanstalk

Oh, by the way, its not typical bloke behaviour, typical '' Fantasy'' more like it
I feel for you, thats a crappy situation, I do understand the curiosity :) I would say that if you had no other reason to believe anything sketchy was going on before this, I would not be that concerned. Women have an amazing intuition that seems to allow them to be some how clued in to their man's behavior. As far as the threesome idea is concerned...I would say that he probablly IS very interrested in a threesome (as most men are) and just likes to fantasize like others have mentioned.
yeah I get the 3some fantasy, most blokes have 'em- but don't they usually involve 2 WOMEN and one man? Not two men and one woman? Or did I read the above wrong? ^^^^
Boo, you read it wrong, the man who answered was a ''PIMP,,

Errrrr eh????
How do you know that? I read it the same way and was also surprised at how commonplace people seemed to find it that men wanted a 2nd man in their bed
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A pimp?? That's not what I thought! Although I suppose it's a possibility....eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww
maybe it was a wrong number!
Sounds like you're well out of the situation to me... threesom thing is fine but it's usually best to see if your other half is interested to as oposed to just enquiring online, I think you did the right thing.
hey at least he was involving you , and wasnt sneaking about with another woman !!!!

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