My sister is seperating from her husband after 10 years of marriage - she's 37. she is devestated and I am concerned how she will cope - she doesn't have any single friends and has a 5 year old to look after. Anyone have any tips on getting over it.
Hmmm, she will be a bit down for a long while, until she finally accepts that its over.Only advice i can give is keep popping round and encourage her to go out and do stuff. If she is sat moping around, she will just end up thinking of stuff and may get depressed. get her to take her child to places, even if its just to the park or bowling. As long as her minds elsewhere, she should be ok (ish)...
Well it is obviously not easy but there are many many others in the same situation these days. I would advise her to get a sitter in once a week or as much as she can afford and have some 'me' time so she does not become just the two of them sitting in together all the time. That will keep up her self esteem. Perhaps a new hobby, salsa is excellent and there is also the group Gingerbread who are I believe single parents who meet up and generally are all in the same boat and give each other support and hopefully have some fun too. It does get easier ... and I am sure she will cope.
Its an hurrendous situation to be in, I have been there and there are just no answers, the worse thing though is that she must not have huge amounts of time on her hands. She must try and keep busy, perhaps join a club or one of these organisations for people who have recently seperated from a partner. It may be worth her seeing a counciller, sometimes you don't want to talk things through with your family. She is lucky she has a Sister like you though who is clearly concerned.