Please don't go down this path, I started work on an adult "chatline" at 22 and when I finally quit 3years later I was a nervous exhausted drug addict. since then my life has only gotten worse, i don't trust any man (including my father) and flinch when the phone rings.
You may think it is an easy avenue to some extra shall we say untraceable cash but its not! For a start if you are thinking of doing the job "on the side" your employer has you over a barrel, they expect you to work for min wage and will use ANY excuse to cut this down. The working conditions are usually disgusting ( the office I worked in had fleas in the carpet and you always ended up with a new bite by the end of a shift)
I'm hoping this has put you off, if not contact me through the site, and I will try and tell you what to look out for!
Pleaase, Please think hard before you try this!
Blessed Be