...sorry, rest of post here...
Too much wine and ramblig tonight. Poor you, you dont have to read it, unless you value your hard disk drive (lol).
...If the attention makes you feel good and you enjoy flirting back, then its all safe fun.
Think or all your 'sad-act' mates that can't find a girl at all, and ask yourself if they can delude themselves and some girl into believing them..... call in reality.....this is cyber! It is not real, you could walk past and not know they existed,,, they could even be a man. lol. Stranger things have happened, but we wont go into that here right now. Just be warned, all is not exactly as it seems...
Remember, feet on floor - under computer table. Drinks out with mates and mingers! It's the rules, sorry to let you down, but you would probably appreciate a soft sensitive kind caring soul (with own hair and teeth) meeting on a chance, maybe the night you take off from AB. Actually, that would be great...think of all the crazy, funny stories you could tell her.
An old friend (songwriter and speechwriter) has always told me the sure fire way to get any physical chemistry is to make sure she has already laughed her pants off! Lol but he's good at it!