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China Doll... I wish she were like you!
I like to think of myself as a friendly person, and my partner often says he thinks me and this girl would get along well, as we like the same things and are quite similar. I would have been more than happy to make the effort, as you can't have too many friends! And she really does have a large effect on our relationship. Every time he gets a text message, there's a mini argument because it's her. It would be much easier if we got along, but as I say... she seemed to make her mind up before she met me as i'm "the other woman" in their friendship. I have even tried to make the effort and had it thrown back in my face. I can't see why he would want to be friends with someone who can't put their own jealousy aside and accept our relationship. I guess maybe some of my friends dont like him, but they would never tell me. they would shut up, accept it and carry on being a good friend. here i go again... off on one! hehe. And 4GS i understand what you're saying, it's perfectly logical. After seeing these pictures, he was pretty damn drunk that night. he says they slept top-to-tail, but i still see a problem with this. he had the option of sleeping on the sofa, and chose her bed instead. hmmm...