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Zebra it is more the loss of my car rather than the damage and what it means in the long run. It will no doubt be written off and It isn't actually worth a great deal in financial terms. What I will get from the insurance will probably not be enough to replace it. I live in the middle of nowhere with little in the way of public transport. The nearest supermarket is an 18 mile round trip, there is no service that will get me to work, I have a child to ferry to and fro, my mother relies on me for a lot of things.... It's more than the loss of a vehicle, it's what it means to me in terms of a change of lifestyle. I was not at fault so why shouldn't I be extremely bothered by it. And why should I not be provided with the equivalent of what I have lost? I am going on holiday in a few weeks, why shouldn't I be entitled to a car that can comfortably carry four people and their luggage when that's what I had in the first place?