Would you sleep with someoneon a first date? and do you think men and women are judged differentlly on this matter? Also, anyone out there in a long-term relationship with someone who you slept with on a first date?
I have done lots of times and not even really dates but I was young and a minx back then. I think woman can get much more of a bad rep for it. But then I never went round shouting my mouth off about any conquests. I think as you become older you realise to take it slow and get to know someone alot more first
Only once. And I did already know the guy. And it wasn't a one night stand as we went on to have a 6 month relationship and are still friends.
It was Christmas Eve, were had both just come out of a long term relationship, and yes - we were drunk. (Though not toooo drunk; obviously!)
With all my other relationships I have made them wait. Girls do get a reputation as 'easy' or slappers, whereas boys get a pat on the back & a notch on their bedpost.
Sgt. Rock ... it's so long since I was in a relationship, I don't know if I snore or not ...
... (except when I'm p*ssed, cos everybody snores, and when my friends crash over after we've been out on the town my flat probably sounds like a pig farm).
I'll have to go to sleep with a dictaphone beside the bed one night.
Sgt.Rock....that's the bit I don't get either.
Why do people say 'Sleep'....when there is no sleep involved???
What about if you are outside? or in a car? Do you 'sleep' standing up??