This thread affects me to the core. My daughter was in the exact same position as you Feelinglost. She went through Hell and I ended up - at the age of 51, slim and healthy - having a heart attack because I, as her mother, couldn't cope with her suffering and her refusal to listen to all the advice, similar to all the advice given by your good friends here, given to her constantly by her friends and family. She really believed it was her fault! I wish I could publish a photo of her beaten-up face but I don't think she would want me to. After 2 years of abuse, both physical, sexual, verbal, mental, emotional, he ended up behind bars for it (and other criminal offences). Even then, she wrote to him in prison, apologising for putting him there!!! Luckily, by the time he came out, she had found someone else. But that's another story! He was another lowlife. She had such a low opinion of herself, she thought she wasn't worthy of anyone better. She has now grown up and, with the help of counselling and reading a couple of very good books, she is back on track.
I feel for you as though you were my own child going through it again. Have faith in yourself and break away. It won't be easy but, hopefully, you have friends and family who will be only too willing to help you ... x