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Why do women

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singapore54 | 22:24 Mon 12th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
96 Answers
Slag off men that wear wigs when they slap on all kinds of stuff to disguise what they look like?
I hasten to add I neither own nor wear a wig, but if it makes a bloke feel more confident about himself why not.


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because the woman would probably be more attracted to him without the wig :D
i agree i don't wear make up pointless
I can slag them off cos I dont wear makeup, false nails, fake tan or padded bra

Men who wear rugs just look daft lol
a man.... a wig...............ha ha ha
They always wear these ill fitting rugs,that makes we want to flip the buggar off!!!
lol man wearing a wig haaa haa

btw im a female, never wear makeup or that disgusting stuff that you refer as :)
I don't wear much make up, and I don't own any earrings.
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Having posted the question, they do tend to look a bit on the weird side. would help if they,
a) updated the wig on occasion
b) got one of a good quality
c) got one that fits
cant understand why they do it, they always look like sad prats.

but men can hide behind beards........
My Mum and Dad used to meet a couple in the local suoermarket and Dad admired his hair, which was always very neat. He was going to ask him where he got his hair cut but realised in time it was a wig.........
lol taichiperson, how you doin, you ok?
the problem is singapore from my pespective is that once the wig becomes detectable (and it always does no matter how well its made and fitted) I then feel that the guy has some issues because he has to wear a wig.

make up and wigs are different, make up can enhance features but their face is still visible, a wig is the equivalent of a woman who will wear chicken fillets in order to have a bust

the reality is that most women dont mind bald men and most men probably dont mind a womans natural chest
jj love, I never wear makeup, dont see the point, if they cant accept me for what i am they can jolly well sod off. love Prudentia xxxx
nice one ^
my reply was to pinktwink
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So why can't he have a few issues not all of us are perfect. I like women in make up but I find it a bit hypocrytical sometimes, rules for one and not he other is not fair!

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