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dating a depressive

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feistycurves | 00:33 Thu 23rd Apr 2009 | Relationships & Dating
5 Answers
i am a depressive, and my boyfriend is a depressive, and i was wondering if there's a forum online somewhere where i can vent and talk to other people dating depressives?


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The doctor perhaps??
You can speak to people online i'm sure however what can you truely gain? other than acknowledgment that others out there suffer and feel they way you do? That you both are not alone?? Continuiously make an online relationship with people you do not know & can only offer advice???


Professional help?? even if you don't want to see someone I can't imagine being depressed is much fun. You should start to really tackle your problems...and professionalism is what you should be seeking! Lifes not long, Its short...But it can be truely exciting and amazing if you set yourself in the correct frame of mind, make changes to the way you feel and start enjoying life! :)

xx Good Luck xx
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Perhaps the issue is to sort yourselves out first - I know when I was depressed I really didn't want to be around like minded people.

Sort out your depression(s) separately or together then set yourself the challenge of enjoying life.
i am the opposite if I am depressed i like to be around depressed people...
Contact your GP and ask to be put in touch with your local Mental Health Team or group and they can give you lots of advice.

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dating a depressive

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