my partner has been seeing someoen else i kn ow he has although he wont admitit i have concrete evidence. we have spoken about it and have promised each other to forget all of it and move on. but ydo i find it so hard >? every time he sends texts i feel sick to my stomach he is such a good liar . we are trying for a baby and i have got future plans but i still have a niggling at the back of my mind should i take one day at atime? ive asked him if he wants me and he does he just wont admit what he has done we have both cried and i have promised to trust him and give him a bit of rope .i just dont know what to do
Not to go into human emotions and to answer your question......YES.
Look at the number of famous people who have had affairs and their marriage is still intact and just think of the ordinary people who have intact marriages following affairs.
Of course it can.....where there is a will, there is a way.
For me forgivenss requires the perpetrator to admit contrition. I could not even begin to forgive under these circumstances.
He has made you promise to let it go because he hasn't got the strength of character to be mature about this. What is there for him to let go? This is just a pathertic escape plan for him without any concern for how you can deal with it.
If you let it go without at least his admission he will learn that he can get away with anything. Ask yourself how many times you would be able to forgive him because that is where this is heading in the long term if he won't own up.
My advice would be gather up your dignity and get out of the relationship.
If he can't even admit to the affair when you have evidence, what makes you think he's even confronted the other woman to end it. So the question is are you willing to let him continue seeing someone else?