Anyone got any tips on how to really turn a man on - i don't mean the norm stuff, thats been done, i just want to do something new that will blow his mind??
Why are you even letting him sit down and look at a computer Red?
Get him doing man's stuff, outside or something. Anything that involved work outside the house is good, as before you know it, it'll start getting cold and wintery, and the bugger will whinge he's freezing and want to be indoors more.
My beloved and I have no restrictions as we trust each other implicitly and act our Fantasies to the limit !!
Cannot wait until the next time. She's a Fantastic cook as well as she likes to build up my strength
personally I'd just enjoy reality for a few years before starting to introduce fantasies. But if you want to know what turns your mate on, ask him. Asking strangers on a website won't necessarily produce any useful answers and if you try something that turns him off big-time then it will be counter-productive as he'll just run and hide.
True jno. Very true. No two people are alike. My OH would just die of laughing if I dried some of the antics mentioned on here!! (Not that intend too - too much like hard work!!)