I broke up with my firsts serious girlfriend when I was twenty-one, she finished with me and eventually married the 'other' guy.
It took me years to get over it - she seriously broke my heart. i didn't date for two years, and although I love my wife dearly, it is not with the consuming passion I had for my first love. Just as well, because we would never have lasted, we were too young and too immature.
However, I thought of her often, and tried not to imagine her with her first, or second husband.
It was thirty-five years ago - and we have just exchanged greetings of Friends Reunited, which feels very strange. I am not going to meet up with her - she hurt me too much to ever see her again, no 'Remember when we ...' smiling looking back for me.
I know that some guys are very much 'Thanks ... next ///' but I was never one of them, and I don't imagine I'll change now.