Online dating... in The AnswerBank: Relationships & Dating
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Online dating...

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notnotnot | 00:41 Thu 10th Mar 2011 | Relationships & Dating
23 Answers
What's everyones general opinion of the idea?
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it works for some people. never believe anyone who claims to be an American in the US Forces. watch out for the copied and pasted messages. some sites are better than others. the free ones are possibly the worst. don't use tickdating.com :o)
and you will be much scorned by some people who have never used them, so watch who you tell.
I first used online sites as long ago as 2001.

Go for a co.uk site, best ones i found were:

Friends Reunited Dating
look It's me
dating Direct

look for one whereby you have to pay a joining fee as this attracts a better type of person, avoid plenty of fish, girls date for free etc
the concept is great - the reality can be tricky.

As long as you are not naiive, and enter any kind of exchange with caution, it can be a good way to meet people.

Remember, certain types of people use online dating - either people who are too shy to socialise, or too busy, or who have commitments that prevent an active social live (all fine) and pervs looking for victims (not fine!) so have your wits about you if you are thinking of trying it.
My friend is now getting married to someone she met on a dating site. They've been together 4 years now. She met two or three that weren't really suited first. Just be very careful if and when you arrange to meet people.
Never used Online Dating sites but there are bound to be good, bad, and downright dangerous ones out there. You just have to be careful and don't part with your money unless they seem pretty genuine. There's are no guarantees that you will meet someone suitable, it's a gamble which you will have to take, and it will not be cheap to join for 6 months or a Year either
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My friend got lucky and married the first and only date he had internet dating.
Another male friend of mine did it for a couple of years and didn`t meet anyone suitable though. What surprised me was that when he went out with the women, they expected him to pay. Damn cheek. I assumed they were just timewasters who went out with a different bloke every couple of weeks and had a nice free social life.
Had a few nice meetings. The free ones have been very good and I've never paid to join a site.
Speed Dater is good because you can go to local speed dating events to meet a bunch of people as well as using the website in the more usual online dating manner.
I think it gives those who, for whatever reason cant find a relationship or struggle to find a suitable partner the "old fashioned way" a great avenue to find somebody that will suit them. Its a bonus, I guess to have prior knowledge of the person and perhaps a fair bit of online chatter before the date.
But, I would always worry that people tell a few porkies on these websites and knowing me I would end up going on a date with a total basket case!
My sister met up with three guys (over a period, not all at once) that she met on line. One was nice, but the others turned out to be not all they were cracked up to be. One would never let her go to HIS house (hmmm) - as has been said, don't take it all at face value.
Definitely an avenue for "Cheats" to get involved with other people behind their partners backs and masquerade as somebody else. I dont know anything about the degree of vetting,but you could just pretend to be someone different in order to seduce people (if you have one thing on your mind).
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In theory they are a good idea for those who find it hard to meet people but I know of a couple of people who have got friendly with men on a site and they have been married.
For some reason some people think it is ok to chat to the opposite sex and meet for dates etc but having been on the recieving end (not through a dating site) it can cause a lot of hurt to their partners and even end in divorce.
You have to be carefull
ive met a couple of decent guys on online dating sites, youve just got to be careful
I have to laugh at some of the responses

So a strange bloke you meet half drunk in a nightclub at 11.30 is going to be a paragon of virtue?

Its funny how most people think it's okay to meet a man/woman in a pub or club but oohhh don't meet over the internet because people are dangerous!

I would much rather chat to someone online first, establish we have things in common etc than try and pull in Chicago's on a saturday night
Chicago's is a meat market...
Chicago's is a meat market...


But most people are prepared to talk to a complete stranger on a night out in a pub or a club who could spin you the biggest load of lies imaginable but dont meet anyone off the internet because they might not be who they seem!

I used to use the apps on facebook to get talking to women, zoosk, are you interested and that type of thing, basically just as another avenue. Went on a few dates, some interesting! You just have to approach it the way you would meeting anyone new, treat the actual date as a blind date.
I met my girlfriend now after I spotted her on a photo of a mutual friend, her friend made her add me on facebook and I just found a way of getting chatting to her, we'll have been together 2 years on Tuesday!
So basically, use it for what it is, a simple tool to get to talking to single people, it's not a quick fix to a perfect relationship, but you'll get chatting to some cool people!

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