Its not smug at all Noraq. Its great when you can get into smaller sizes. I can't wait to get back into my size 12 jeans again. Probably be another month or so but I'm determind to do it.
Another thing about smaller sizes they are not as expensive. Yes I too used to shop at Evans but not anymore. It is nice to pick up something off the rail and say yes that will fit.
XSTITCHER where are you? We can't lose you you started this topic last year about June in which I replied and look what it has turned into .Gaining a few each week.I don't think I would have got so far if I hadn't kept posting each week.
I didnt go to class on Wed as Ive got a stinking cold, still have, Ive been sat around or gone back to bed when Ive felt really bad and dont think my weight has shifted at all this week. Ive made my own cough mixture,. It has helped my cough and made me feel a bit better and far more natural than cough sweets which are full of sugar.
Well done to everyone else.
Thanks wendilla, must get back on track for this week.
Theotherhalf Hope you feel better soon .You would think when you have a cold and not eating much you would lose but sadly it don't work that way . I have proved you have to eat regular and heathily.I hope we haven't lost Xstitcher and that she is ok .I know she moves around a lot so perhaps that is why we have not heard from her .She was the one that started all this last June and I replied to her post and look what it has done to help people. Good luck for Wednesday.
Hi Wendilla, maybe Xstitcher doesn't know how to find us. When you click on the thing that AB Ed put up, it doesn't take you here automatically. It took me a while to realise where you'd all gone to. If we see her contributing on another thread, we can tell her.
Weighed in this evening and I'm down 1.5lbs. Slow but at least I'm going in the right direction. Will have to watch it this week though as we are away for the weekend. I don't want to go into reverse.
3.5 lbs again this week, 2 stone total, my slimming world club 10 (ten percent of starting bodyweight lost) and slimmer of the week... and my clothes are starting to feel loose at last... hope you all get a good result this week...
well done you Rowanwitch......nothing to beat that feeling that it's working. Lady at my meeting last Thursday said to me.."if I had your figure..I would'nt be coming here"!!
She was gobsmacked when I told her I used to be far bigger than she is now.
Well done Rowan - It feels good when your clothes start to loosen. I was down to 2 pair of Jeans I could get done up and wear. I now have 3 pairs and another couple that I can do up but aren't comfortable enough to wear just yet. Still I'm getting there. :-))
Morning peeps, bit annoyed this morning as I haven't lost anything although I do put it down to muscle toning. I went for very long walks and started doing some aerobics last week and my legs feel a lot more toned and I have lost 3 quarters of an inch round my body so I must be something right.
At least you haven't gained Tigerblue. It's annoying when you don't lose anything I know. But I always try to look on the bright side and if you are losing inches - then as you say, you must be doing something right. Jools ;-)
Indeed Jools, mind you I did weigh myself with my boot type slippers this week and not my flipflops like last week. Surely that must have made a difference! Lol
Well done rowan. Great feeling isnt it when you get your 10%
Im afraid Ive stayed the same this week. Im sure its due to my cold , drinking loads of honey and lemon and not moving about as much, plus not focusing properly of course. Consultant wants me to do a diary so she can see what Im having or doing wrong. I dont really think Im doing anything wrong as I wouldnt have lost 2st 4lbs. I need a kickstart though. Better luck next week for me. Good luck everyone
Yes The otherHalf I need a kick start too. I have stayed the same but like you I lost 2 stone in 6 months so must have done somethng right. Well done Rowan and Jim. I started off well last Wednesday then fell by the way side at the weekend.Never mind it's Onwards and Downwards again for next week.