Hi all,
I joined SW last Tuesday and I've followed the 'extra easy' plan every day. Most days I have had less than 5 syns with the exception of Saturday when I had a fair few large wines. I've found it really easy to follow and far better than the old green and red days, BUT I have lost NO weight at all! I am beyond disappointed. Weigh in in morning but I got weighed this morning on our bathroom scales (which appeared to match the weight of the SW scales last week) and I am the same. Has anyone had this on first week? Whenever I have done any diet I've always found that first week you can shed loads.
I'm really disheartened :0(
Erm...I'd say the 'fair few large wines' did it. Why start a new weight loss program,and then virtually sabotage yourself by drinking a lot of wine?
The wine most likely cancelled out the good work you'd done during the week.
But, the 'syns' can be saved up for such things. So said the SW group lady. I had well below my quota the other days. And surely those calories wouldnt have put weight on me immediately?
You will find that some weeks you will loose nothing then the follwing week you will lose 4lbs. A lot of things need to be taken into consideration, perhaps your clothes weighed more or you needed to go to the loo. I agree with others in suggesting that having loads of wine did you no favours, but i wouldn't panic until you get weighed tomorrow.
Wine will convert to sugar....your body will burn it first. But-any fat you've eaten will then get stored.....and the wine causes the body to retain water. Voila!-weight gain.
have done Slimming World many times and have always been told that you can save your syns up for just one day, or for the weekend if you like. Thats what I used to do and it always worked for me. As long as you dont carry them over to the next week then you will be ok. Maybe you have overindulged in the free foods? I know they are free but even so if you eat a bucket full of free food it will contain a fair few calories. I do know people who havent lost in the first week but have then lost in the second so i would say persevere and see what the weight loss is next week. Chin up!
I'm with SW and I've never been told that I can save my syns. In fact I've been told the opposite - Not too. I've been doing the Extra Easy Plan since beginning of January and have lost 1.5 stone, so don't give up but I must say that drinking 'a shed load of wine' won't help.
I am going to SW and TBH I find it really difficult to follow with my lifestyle - I dont cook
BUT - I have been losing a pound a week 4 so far - I dont care if it takes me a year and a pound a week is better off than on
Ric.ror - Your are right and 1 lb a week is fine. One lady at our session has lost 4.5st and she almost never cooks. She has been at target for over a year now. So keep at it.............I'm struggling a bit at the moment but I'm not going to let it beat me.
Well done Ric.ror! 4lbs doesn't sound a lot but if you feel it in say, bags of sugar, it's far better off than on! Keep it up! What do you have for your meals then with not cooking? I've found my shopping bill has skyrocketed as I'm trying to really fill my plate with veggies. Doing some lovely tasty stir fries that don't take long.
Chin up JimJools. I think you probably only need to have one good week to get your momentum back :0)
I regret to say that my weight is going down down, not that I am
trying to slim ~ I don't need to and don't want to ~ for some reason I have
just gone off eating, oh I'll nibble on biscuits, cakes and sweets and enjoy my
cups of tea morning noon and night. Dont know why this has/is happening, it
is it a worry.
I would appreciate your comments.
Must got and put the kettle on for another cuppa.
Sorry to hear that poortony. Have you any illness or something on your mind? Perhaps you need to have a word with your Doctor to rule out any blood sugar inbalances.
Yes Lollyone I think I shall have to go and see my Dr. I have been on
simvastatin 40mg, for some years now, I do have some trouble with my eyes,
perhaps I'm worrying about without realising it.
Thank you
Congrats lollyone. Started SW 3 weeks ago and have lost 5 official pounds according to my weigh in last monday, although my weight watchers scales said ive lost another 2lb this week. All ive really done is to stop buying sarnies from the garage,crisps and choccy bars when at work and replace them with 1% fat mug shots !!! Ive cut out the white bread and stopped drinking alcohol during the week.
Hi everyone, I was with WW online and found the site a nightmare.....Im not pc savvy really. I thought of joining a group and I was wondering which one, it seems there's as many negatives as positives with SW and WW...!