Hi all,
I joined SW last Tuesday and I've followed the 'extra easy' plan every day. Most days I have had less than 5 syns with the exception of Saturday when I had a fair few large wines. I've found it really easy to follow and far better than the old green and red days, BUT I have lost NO weight at all! I am beyond disappointed. Weigh in in morning but I got weighed this morning on our bathroom scales (which appeared to match the weight of the SW scales last week) and I am the same. Has anyone had this on first week? Whenever I have done any diet I've always found that first week you can shed loads.
I'm really disheartened :0(
I am going to join on Thursday. This is probably the only diet I have never done because it had red days and green days and although I eat meat, I don't it it often or very much of it.
I need to get motivated before Thursday but really have no idea how this diet works.