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Onwards & Downwards: August 2018

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AB Editor | 08:18 Wed 01st Aug 2018 | Weight Loss & Dieting
101 Answers
Hi all! Here is your new thread for August. How's it going?

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been doing slimfast drink in morning with fruit..fruit lunchtime ..veggies with slimfast tea time... no snacking...
had put on a stone over the summer that plus a wee bit to lose
Hello MM be careful with the fruit as lots of sugar in them .
I have to do the fruit as I have low blood sugar Wendi..not a lot... today breakfast 3 strawbs 10 grapes, plum.. tonight roast veggies
going to introduce ryvita and cottage cheese for lunch
Wow, seems that most are doing well. Better than I anyway.

Going back a few decades, I tried slimfast once. Didn't seem to do much for me though. Could never work out if one had the milkshake before or after meals.
instead of OG !! with a few wee snacky things
I would add in a little protein as well even an egg or a couple of slices of chicken. Won't slow you down that much but slimfast isn't the best of the diet shakes. The soups are quite nice though. I used them as a base and added a handful of mixed veg and cooked the mix in the microwave for five minutes. Now my go to fill up snack is fake pizza, wholemeal flatbread or half a larger one topped with
Tomato and garlic puree onion, peppers, mushrooms olives and dried herbs a very light sprinkle of low fat cheddar. Under the grill until cheese melts and served with a generous layer of sprouted greens mustard and cress or rocket will do. Feels like a treat, about two of the five a day, masses of antioxidants and makes a delicious lunch. If I have it as a main meal I add chicken, ham, or tuna and more salad.
I really like the strawberry slimfast Rowan...cott cheese will give me protein on top of the milk... like to do a quick jump start, expect it to slow now..but will continue for a few more weeks
Ok cottage cheese is ok if you can eat it. As far as I am concerned the only good use for cottage cheese is a cheesecake
yum yum it !
MM...I used to get low blood sugar a LOT...until I switched to a lower carb diet. Now I hardly ever get it...if I do it's because I've had too much sugary stuff. All that fruit is'd be better off keeping boiled eggs or, as Rowan said, some cooked chicken on hand. If you want fruit have berries...lowest sugar fruit...with full fat Greek yogurt.
Never mind what I think of meal replacement plans. Eat real food.
With you there Pasta. When I had diabetes my D nurse told me I could eat a small amount of berries but to stay away from the rest. Grapes and bananas were especially off my list.
It sounds like you had a clued in diabetes nurse xstitcher. Do you still have diabetes? I've heard so many still preach eating lots of carb to manage it...but it doesn't.
Yes, our practice nurse is a registered diabetes nurse and as soon as I was diagnosed with diabetes 2 I went up to her to learn all I could on how to get rid of it. I followed her advice to the 't' with food, exercise and a weight loss of 20 kilos and was declared diabetes free about 3 months ago. I had a dietitian helping me with the food part of my weight loss which took about 10 months.
Well done you xstitcher on following the advised regime. Friend of mine did the same many moons ago. You must feel great x
I certainly do Maggie and love my new clothes.
Up again 3.4 lbs ???
Down another pound, but as i have increased the muscle building work in the gym I would expect a slow down. Just trying to up my muscle mass a little to support my joints while I am placing extra stress on them.
Using a body composition analysis machine had a pleasant surprise my body fat percentage had decreased by 5% and my water content (hydration level) was perfect. Next target is a bmi of below 40,

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