I recently tried to log into my natwest account last night and followed the normal procedures of putting my password in etc. However after putting these in, instead of being taken to my account I was asked to fill out personal details i.e name address, postcode and email. At the bottom of the page was the question what type of service do you use with natwest i.e current account, credit card, or both, or business account,etc
I typed in the necessary answer to what I use and was then asked to type in my details of account number sort code etc. I was reluctant to do this so I came off it.
I can't see it being a virus as its a brand new computer and I asked my folks to log in as me on their computers just incase and the same thing happened on theirs. Which leads me to believe it could be legit but just want to know if this has happened to anybody else as its never happened to me before? Also I typed in the full web address in the address bar at the top instead of googleing it.
but then you did the right thing - still contact them - they will have an e-mail address to copy the offending scam item over, if it is that. Well Lloyds do.....
definitely didn't go on through phishing email. Typed address in address bar at the top.
Thing thats confusing me is why is the same thing happening on four different computers. I've asked four family members to log on as me me and the same thing is happening on their computers so they can't all be dodgy.
OK- I thought the address was www.nwolb.com but natwest.com should be a good entry point.
I suggest you clear the cache on your computer- delete all browsing histories, saved passwords, etc and then try again.
good point, factor...It automatically transfers to www.nwolb.com after I've typed it in.
I ended up giving them a call and everything seems to be ok now. Still don't know what it was though. I have yet to change my passwords but will do I think.
This happened to my OH yesterday because he put his password in wrongly three times (men!). Went through the process you mentioned and got back into his account. As long as it is a secure site there should be no problem.