I had an account with a large catalogue firm, i contacted them to clear the account and close it, i had a outstanding return so was advised to leave the amount of the return on the account so that the return cleared it rather than me having to wait for a refund off them. Anyway i did this and in the time it took for the return to be refunded onto the account and clear the outstanding balance there were other charges put onto the account.
I was not informed of this and thought that the account had zero balance, the first i knew of it was when they sent me a letter saying i had missed 2 payments and they were referring it to a debt collection agency. I rang them and explained what had happened and they said they would look into it, more phone calls followed and again they said they would look into it, i finally spoke to someone with a brain and they admitted they had made a mistake and cleared the disputed amount on my account and closed it.
I didn't think anything more of it until i came to try and take out finance on a car at the weekend and there is a default on my credit file because i missed 4 payments to the catalogue, all of which i wasn't aware i should be making.
Is there anyway you can get things like this taken off your credit report?
BTW, your post reminds me of a problem that occurred when I paid off the mortgage on my house. The lender managed to lose my payment of over £35,000,resulting in them trying to repossess it! When I got them to admit their error they apologised but then tried to charge me over £200 for the interest that had built up during the period between me giving them the money and them actually applying it to my account!!!!
Yes, you certainly can, as chris says. Send for your report on someone like Expedia - it'll cost you about £3 - then you can ask them to correct anything which isn't right or doesn't relate to you.
There's a statutory maximum charge of £2 but you can sign up for a free trial period of Experian's CreditExpert service and then cancel within 30 days, thus paying nothing: