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If You Had £10.000

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cupotee2 | 08:23 Fri 16th May 2014 | Personal Finance
21 Answers
Hypothetical question, if you had £10.000 to invest right now, what would you do with it.

1. ISA

2. Keep it under the mattress



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Santander 123 current account - 3% interest.

I'd invest it in a two week family holiday in South Africa. But, if I had to be sensible I'd buy Premium Bonds.
I agree with rocky ^^
ISA - Halifax 2.5% no need to open a current account or to pay in regularly.

I would go with Santander too - I have made more money from it in the last few months that I did on my ISA over the last year.
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3. Golden Boy, 3:30 Doncaster, on the nose.
I'd make investment purchases (of goods).
Two or three year bond, i think.
Hmmmm. I'd invest it in my garden....would put value on the house.
Coventry Building Society ISA, fixed for 4 years - beats Santander's 3%, cos this is tax free. At the mo you can only invest £5940, but after 1st July, this increases to £15 000.
If you want a real punt, shove a grand in "Oxus Gold" shares .... google "Oxus Gold arbitration" and all will be explained .... remember with risk, comes reward and these shares will either be worthless after the arbitration, or they going to be worth a lot more (5x .... poss even more).

stock market probably - cash accounts as you see pay piffle
Hoppie should have mentioend the £10 / m charge for a santander account
O dear shares
I see some are already bidding for snake oil...
.... sorry, forgot to add - Coventry BS ISA, fixed for 4 years - rate is 2.75% ... which beats Santander's rate of 3%, 'cos after tax, the equivalent rate is 2.4% at best ...... less if you're a higher rate tax payer.
Have a few goes on the Scoop 6 tomorrow.
At our age Trsh and I would invest it in enjoying ourselves
Santander 123. 2.4% after tax, up to £20,000 savings
Yes, but also cashback on quite a few DDs with Santander

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