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jennyjoan | 10:27 Mon 18th May 2015 | Personal Finance
22 Answers
I took a loan of £9,000 in 2013 - with interest only £1,720 has been paid to date and won't be paid off until 2018. Now I know if I pay early I will pay a penalty.

Anyway I am a position to clear this loan from an account but of course leave myself short in (that) account ie will have no intererest etc.

What would you do - pay off the loan - or keep saving with interest.

it is 5.09% paying off the loan
and 5.0 interest (gaining with the other current)


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conne.take all the paperwork to CAB they will advise you.
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I am not worrying it will be sorted out - either they send me an email or letter verifying the balance. Thanks for your interest.

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