Are today's professional footballers capapable of doing anything or even thinking for themselves?
Pampered comes to mind but that has a connotation of nappies
In the end it is the fans who pay for all this excess through the price of their tickets. Recently visiting a friend in France we passed a public football ground on the edge of town near his house and there was a huge amount of cars parked in the area.
I asked him was there something special happening, he said no they were just the local school teams, a few would be parents, but many people now had adopted such teams to support, having tired of paying large sums to watch the professionals.
It was free, no parking problems, the youngsters loved the support and the games were probably more spirited than those of the professional millionaires.
I could never lose interest in football. I have supported my team for 40 years through leagues 2, 1, Championship, Premier League and now back down to the Championship. Give me the lower leagues anyday. Premier League is full of a bunch of over paid fannies falling over for no reason. Proper football is where it's at....
I used to play golf with Johnnie Downey who played for Manchester United.His wage at the time he played was £20 which in those days was the capped maximum wage.In those days they played for enjoyment more than money.Pity they ever removed the cap, to increase the maximum wage would have prevented the free for all that soccer has become.
I hope not Alba. I doubt it anyway. Our owners are running our club into the ground. It's not only overpaid players ruining the game, it's owners too unfortunately.
I lost interest in football a long time ago with all the antics on the pitch, feigning injury, trying to get an oponent booked, arguing with the ref, silly haircuts, coloured boots.etc, etc. Is it any wonder that, with a few exceptions, the grounds are half empty in the lower leagues? The time is long overdue for the FA to act to curb this silly money in the game before most of the clubs disappear altogether.
Don't hold your breath. Our owners tried changing our name a couple of seasons ago and the FA didn't seem to get involved at all. It's all down to money!
It is ridiculous with the amount of money thrown about in Football, I have more of an interest in what happens on the pitch than the business side of the game. Neymars' move is obviously money motivated whatever he claims. I did think that a £200 million transfer would happen... eventually not quite as soon as this though.
Before you know it the oil bearing billionaires and owners of PSG, Qatar could have the funds to buy the world cup from FIFA representatives. Surely that'd never happen ;-)
Before you know it the oil bearing billionaires and owners of PSG, Qatar could have the funds to buy the world cup from FIFA representatives. Surely that'd never happen ;-)
It depends how big the 'brown envelope' is I guess ;-)