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Cashing a cheque

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maclary | 22:17 Thu 25th Jan 2007 | Personal Finance
5 Answers
My dad wants me to cash a cheque in my account then give him then money when its cleared. The cheque is made out to him though so am i ok to just cash it in at my local natwest branch?? Or do we have to do something for security reasons?


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It can only be paid in to your Dad's account, or cashed at one of those cheque cashing businesses that charge a fee.
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Well i rang up my bank and asked them this evenin and he said that it was fine as long as i took some ID in. I couldnt really see how this helped to be honest so thats where my confusion is coming from!
If the cheque has 'Account Payee' written across the middle (which 99% of them do now) then it can only be paid into the account of the person it is made out to.

I worked for NatWest for 20 years and this was always the case so unless the rules have changed in the last 12 mths or so, the person on the phone gave you incorrect advice.
I work for NatWest and can confirm that normally you can only pay in chqs into your account if they are made payable to you.

However, it is at the discretion of the cashier if they accept this chq for your account. Most likely they wont.
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Thank you for all of this. I went to the bank and asked them today. AS stated earlier in this it is payable to my dad and not me so i can't cash it in. Thankyou all!!!

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Cashing a cheque

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