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buying gold

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mont6660 | 23:45 Fri 09th Nov 2007 | Personal Finance
5 Answers
Does anyone know anything about how to buy gold as an investment? Do you go through a bank or are there special brokers? and are coins better than bars? Just curious after reading articles in the papers. lol


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Gold can be bought in small quantities and held personally for investment. You can even buy it but not have to take posession of it and store it.

will tell you what you need to know.
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thanks for website. Had a quick look but will need to study it at length later. seems preity complex! Maybe the building soc is easier...
Unless you are an experienced investor with a diverse portfolio of different assets you would do best to get access to gold through a unit trust/ investment trust which invests in Gold and mining shares rather than directly purchasing gold yourself.

Merrill Lynch Gold & General is one of the best performing funds in this area. This is however still quite specialist and high risk and would recommend you seek financial advice before proceeding with such an investment to see if it appropriate to your circumstances.
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Thanks Calvert7. Will consult with my financial advisor before committing to anything!
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buying gold

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