The answer to this on going question that seems to be all over the internet is much simpler than and algeryhtem, but still very secure and hard to crack. The first time you place your cash card ina cash machine the banks issuer places apx 100 (6 digit) codes on your chip that is on your card, without you even knowing the codes. The first time you then place your card into the pin sentry, and after entering your pin number, the sentry picks (1) of the 100 (6 digit) codes from the chip on your card and then displays it on the screen. You then enter this number on the web, and it checks it to the main frame computer at the bank to check it matches to 1 of the 100 that was issued at the cash point. If this is correct, then it allows you in to the online banking. Once used it is dead, and you are left with 99 more codes. Eventually, once you start getting low on codes on the chip of the card, the cash point the next time you use it will issue another 100 to the chip, and it a cycle that cannot be hacked. Even taking the PIN SENTRY Apart will not give any secrets away, all it's doing is reading the chip on the card, which is why you can use anybody's reader. This is how it works without a internet connection. It gets the internet connection from the cashpoint, and then works offline, just like email clients. Very simple, but effective.