If someone under 18 years of age were to apply for a credit or store card, and successfuly get one, and the police were to find out - who would be held responsible - the individual for lying when applying for a card, or the credit card issuer for not carrying out the correct checks ?
Age of criminal responsibility is 10 - so I think the child would at least be partly responsible. I agree with Sammy Snake, although mrs_Pegasus makes a good point too. If you, or someone you know, is in that situation, then I suggest you hotfoot it to Citizen's Advice Bureau to get some advice. I didn't mean that accusingly by the way! :-)
"Age of criminal responsibility" may or may not be 10 but the age at which a debt can be pursued from you is 18 so a child could spend lots of money on a card and not be liable for the debt.
Hopefully, they'd get a good skelping in other ways from a clever lawyer/judge.
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Do you know the answer?
Is it the fault of the company or the individual ?